My Learning Agreement

This agreement is a living document designed to help set and achieve my learning based targets & further develop both my technical and core skills. I will continue to update this where necessary.

While on this learning path with EDA I recognise that understanding my strengths and limitations is important in formulating a clear learning plan, as it will enable me to acknowledge the skills I already have and further develop these skills to strengthen my learning. My strengths can be defined as:

  • Creative thinker
  • Empathetic
  • Analytical

My limitations can be defined as:

  • Dislike/avoid conflict
  • Lack self-confidence in certain environments(with public speaking etc.)

My Areas of Interest:

  • Growing knowledge of JavaScript, including JS Frameworks

My Goals:

  • I would like to become a front end developer for a tech company in Wellington.
  • Long term: Solidify and expand my knowledge from EDA to a point where I can get remote work so I can travel/work remotely.

With both my strengths and limitations in mind, I recognise the importance of being open to critical feedback (negative or positive) from other students, and facilitators, and to in turn provide feedback where I feel it is necessary and appropriate. I feel it is important to uphold and cultivate the culture of safety and trust within my cohort, so that we are all in an environment where sharing knowledge and learning is key.

I recognise that my time with EDA is short, and I need to make sure I get the most out of it, so will not shy away from things (like speaking in front of a group) just because it takes me out of my comfort zone - in fact I welcome living outside of my comfort zone during this time!

During this time I will continue to take regular meaningful breaks, and refresh myself by avoiding screen-time when it is unnecessary. I will continue to exercise and eat healthy, so that my body and mind are in the best condition for learning and growth.

In my own time I will make sure I review any work I feel I did not fully understand, by either working alone, or with others in my cohort. I will also make sure to ask questions when I am unsure or confused.

I will do my best to complete the challenges and tasks assigned to me during the time given, but recognise it is also about quality of work, so will make sure I am not rushing through things just to complete them.